In the first part of today’s show, we delved into how the Y Chromosome is vanishing and discussed a groundbreaking study suggesting a new sex gene may be the future for men. Then we explored the emerging trend of AI ‘dream girls’ that are revolutionizing the adult film industry and potentially taking jobs from traditional porn stars. Finally, we delved into fascinating research indicating that empathy is not innate but socially transmitted.

Today’s unpopular opinion stirred quite the debate: Traditional schooling kills creativity.

In the show’s second half, we turned the tables and asked 100 humans about the creative activities kids engage with at home. Additionally, we uncovered a bizarre claim by a Republican suggesting that vaccines may be getting injected into lettuce.

The ProBoh Show is a variety show in English, hosted by Rob Grams. Tune in for the day’s news highlights, engage your mind with our interactive games, and join the conversation in our chat.

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